Say It Display It®

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The History of Say It Display It!®


Say It Display It!® was born in my living room in Scottsdale, AZ in January 2015.  Lawyers, designers, photographers, videographers, printers, logos, taglines, copyrights, trademarks; you can say we hit the ground running. Many growing pains along the way; we are definitely here to stay! 

We unveiled Say It Display It!® at the CA Gift Show, Oasis Gift Show in Phoenix and the National Stationery Show in NYC. 

We relocated to Oceanside,CA in June 2016. You can find us at local shows in San Diego and Orange County. We are in a multitude of stores from the east to the west coast. One of our favorite places to exhibit live is on the military bases in Oceanside and San Diego.

We love participating in Women's Conferences. We have added a 'Kick Start Your Day, Power Punch' interactive and engaging presentation to show you how you can incorporate Saying Displays® to impact and change your day! One Saying Display® at a time! Feel free to contact us if you would like us to come speak to your group or organization! 

One of our bigger missions is to provide a viable, working tool for displaced Veterans. In the near future we hope we can provide a service and a product to them through becoming involved in the San Diego Veteran's Coalition. 

Another of our passions is working with the homeless and women in domestic abuse situations. We all can surely use the Empowerment theme to help feed us a good healthy dose of self esteem for the day!